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How to Protect Your Personal Health Information Online

Jane Patterson May 14th, 2023

Key Takeaways:

  • Protecting personal information is crucial to prevent unauthorized access and misuse.
  • Create strong passwords using combinations of letters, numbers, and symbols, and change them periodically to enhance security.
  • Avoid oversharing personal details on social media and review privacy settings to minimize the risk of personal information being accessed by unauthorized individuals.
  • Exercise caution when using free public Wi-Fi networks because they usually have few security measures in place, making them vulnerable to data breaches and interceptions.
  • Be cautious of phishing scams, which are disguised as legitimate communications from banks or companies, and avoid providing personal information or clicking on suspicious links.
  • Ensure a website is secure by looking for a lock symbol and “https” in the URL before providing personal information.


Protecting your personal health information online is crucial in today’s digital age. In this section, we will explore the importance of safeguarding your personal health data and the potential risks involved if it falls into the wrong hands. With the rapid advancement of technology, it is essential to understand how to navigate the online landscape securely. Let’s dive into why protecting your personal health information is a matter of utmost significance and the potential consequences of neglecting this vital aspect of your digital well-being.

Importance of protecting personal health information

Personal health info is essential to protect. With tech and online platforms, it’s vulnerable to risks and threats. One major risk is identity theft and fraud. Unauthorized access can let criminals use it for their own gain, leading to financial loss. Personal health info can also be used to impersonate someone, causing harm.

To protect it, you should:

  • Create strong passwords and change them periodically.
  • Avoid oversharing on social media.
  • Be cautious when using free public Wi-Fi networks.
  • Watch out for phishing scams.
  • Verify if a website is secure by looking for “https” in the URL or a lock icon.

Measures like HIPAA have limits in safeguarding data online. Individuals need to take steps to protect personal health info from breaches or unauthorized access. You should:

  • Avoid posting on social media.
  • Be cautious with sharing health-related info online.
  • Verify the source before sharing.
  • Safeguard medical and health insurance info.
  • Seek reliable sources of health info.

For My Health Record, understand the privacy policy and set access controls. Review them regularly. Communicate with healthcare providers. Check access history for any unauthorized access attempts. Review medical bills carefully and report discrepancies. Be wary of unsolicited requests for info. Educate yourself on privacy rights and regulations.

Risks of not protecting personal health information

It’s important to protect personal health info – not doing so can have serious consequences. Things like identity theft, fraud, and unauthorized access to medical records can put individuals in danger. To reduce these risks, be sure to abide by HIPAA regulations and always practice best security measures when dealing with sensitive data online.

A real-life example of the importance of protecting personal health info is a data breach that happened at a healthcare provider. Thousands of patients’ info, including diagnoses and treatment plans, were exposed. This showed just how damaging neglecting to protect personal health info can be.

Protect your personal health information – don’t let it get into the wrong hands!

Tips to ensure personal information doesn’t end up in the wrong hands

Tips to ensure personal information doesn’t end up in the wrong hands: from creating strong passwords and changing them periodically, to avoiding oversharing on social media and being cautious on public Wi-Fi networks, this section provides valuable insights to protect your personal health information online. Stay one step ahead of potential phishing scams and learn how to determine if a website is secure before providing sensitive data. Shield your personal information with these practical strategies.

Creating strong passwords

Creating strong passwords is essential. Use a mix of upper and lowercase letters to make it complex. Add numbers and symbols like '123' and '!@#$' for extra strength. Avoid easy-to-guess words like names and dates. Make it long: 8 characters minimum. Don’t reuse passwords. Verify sources before sharing personal information. Safeguard physical documents. Change passwords periodically – it keeps personal health info fresh. Taking these steps reduces the risk of hacked data.

Changing passwords periodically

Passwords are essential for protecting personal health info online. Regularly switching them is a key step in keeping this data secure. Changing passwords often prevents unauthorized people from accessing your info.

Follow these 3 steps to make sure your passwords are changed regularly:

  1. Generate a strong, exclusive combination of letters, numbers & symbols. Don’t use common words or easily-guessed info, like birth dates or names.
  2. Update passwords across all platforms – emails, online health portals, social media, and healthcare websites.
  3. Set reminders or notifications on devices or use password management tools to prompt you at regular intervals.

By doing this regularly, you can reduce the dangers of unapproved access to personal health info. But changing passwords isn’t enough. You must also create strong passwords from the start, be careful about what personal info you share on social media, and dodge phishing scams.

Avoiding oversharing personal details on social media

Protecting personal details on social media is essential. Oversharing can lead to identity theft, targeted advertising, and other threats. Be mindful of info shared online; this can have huge impacts on personal and professional lives.

Adopt a cautious approach with what is disclosed. Don’t post sensitive information, like addresses, phone numbers, or financial details. Avoid sharing travel plans or daily routines.

Carefully consider privacy settings on social media. Limit visibility of personal details to a select audience or friends. Regularly review and adjust settings to maintain control.

Be wary of friend requests from unknown individuals or organizations. This prevents unauthorized access to personal info and malicious activities. Also, be careful with public posts and comments.

By following these guidelines, individuals can reduce the risk of oversharing personal details on social media, and ensure online security and privacy are safeguarded.

Being cautious when using free public Wi-Fi networks

Using free public Wi-Fi networks can be dangerous! Hackers can easily intercept and access data sent over them, which can lead to identity theft or unauthorized access to sensitive medical info.

Take caution and protect your personal info when using public Wi-Fi. Avoid logging into healthcare portals, accessing records, or sending/receiving sensitive health-related emails – wait until you have a secure and private network connection before doing so.

Be sure websites you visit while using public Wi-Fi are secure. Look for HTTPS in the URL – this means the connection is encrypted.

Use a virtual private network (VPN) when connecting to public Wi-Fi networks. This creates a secure and encrypted connection between your device and the internet server, making it hard for hackers to intercept your data.

By being careful and proactive about protecting your privacy, you can safeguard your confidential medical info from unauthorized access and misuse.

Watching out for phishing scams

Phishing scams, which are attempts to get personal info, are a huge threat to private health info. Cybercriminals use tactics to trick people into giving away passwords and financial details. This can lead to identity theft and unauthorized access to medical records. But, by being aware of phishing scams, people can protect themselves.

These scams might be disguised as emails or messages from healthcare providers or insurance companies. They might ask for personal info or link to fake websites. To stay safe, people should check if the message is real before providing any info. This can be done by contacting the sender directly or going to their website instead of clicking any links.

Individuals should also be careful about sharing personal info online. Too much info on social media can make someone vulnerable to identity theft and may let out private health details. So, people should watch out for phishing scams and manage privacy settings on social media. Limiting public visibility can reduce the risk of sensitive data falling into the wrong hands.

Also, people should get health-related info from reliable sources. Websites which collect data without permission or give false medical advice should be avoided. People should check if the website has secure features like an HTTPS connection and a lock icon.

In summary, to protect health info online, people should watch out for phishing scams, be cautious with online sharing, and verify the credibility of websites.

Checking if a website is secure before providing personal information

It’s essential to take precautions to protect your personal health info when providing it on a website. Follow these tips to ensure data safety:

  1. Create strong passwords – unique and tough ones – to prevent unauthorized access.
  2. Change your passwords regularly to minimize the chances of someone gaining access over time.
  3. Avoid oversharing personal details on social media to protect against identity theft or privacy breaches.

Follow these general measures and take specific steps for secure websites. Verify the source, ensure robust security measures, and rely on reliable sources of health info.

Be vigilant and cautious while navigating the digital landscape to maintain privacy and avoid risks. But, no matter what, the HIPAA won’t save you from the embarrassment of your doctor seeing your browsing history!

The role of HIPAA in protecting health information

The role of HIPAA in protecting health information: Learn about the overview and coverage of HIPAA, along with its limitations in safeguarding personal health information online.

Overview of HIPAA and its coverage

HIPAA, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, is vital in safeguarding personal health information. It sets standards for privacy & security of health data. Covered entities like healthcare providers & health plans must comply with rules & regulations regarding use and disclosure of PHI.

Individuals have the right to access their medical records, ask for corrections & be informed about how their info is used & disclosed. However, HIPAA only covers certain entities & does not extend to fitness apps & websites.

It is recommended to take steps beyond HIPAA to protect personal health info online. Create strong passwords, be careful about sharing health info on social media, verify sources before sharing info & safeguard medical & health insurance info. These additional precautions can reduce the risk of health info being compromised.

Limitations of HIPAA in protecting personal health information online

HIPAA, or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, is critical for protecting personal health info. However, it has restrictions when it comes to online security. It sets standards, but mostly for covered entities like healthcare providers, health plans, and clearinghouses. So, it may not be enough to guard individuals’ personal health information shared online.

One weakness of HIPAA is that it doesn’t cover all entities that handle personal health info online. Websites and apps that provide health services or collect health data may be out of its scope. This leaves room for potential breaches of personal health data by these ‘non-covered’ entities.

Plus, even when covered entities are involved, there can be weaknesses in terms of technical security measures. HIPAA requires covered entities to put safeguards in place, but they may not be strong enough. Cyberattacks on healthcare organizations have been rising, meaning stronger security measures are needed.

Also, HIPAA focuses more on physical and administrative safeguards than technical ones. It has requirements for controlling access to physical records, but may not emphasize encryption and other technical measures to secure personal health info online.

Protecting personal health info online: because sharing your medical history should never be fun!

Steps to protect personal health information online

In today’s digital age, safeguarding our personal health information online has become a critical concern. In this section, we’ll explore the necessary steps to protect our sensitive data effectively. From avoiding posting private health information on social media to seeking reliable sources of health information online, we’ll delve into practical strategies that can help ensure the security and privacy of our personal health information.

Avoiding posting private health information on social media

Sharing personal health info on social media can have serious consequences. Risky posts can lead to identity theft, privacy invasion, and sensitive medical records being exposed. Cybercriminals can use the info for malicious goals like insurance fraud or scams. So, it’s important to be careful when sharing health-related content online.

Individuals should be mindful of what they share. This means no posts about medical conditions, treatment plans, etc. By restraining what is shared, the risk of unauthorized access is minimized.

Even seemingly innocent posts about health habits can reveal sensitive info. For example, a pic at a specific medical facility might show an individual’s diagnosis without them knowing. So, consider the potential implications before posting health-related content.

Overall, protecting personal health info should be a top priority when using social media. Refrain from posting private health info and be aware of the implications of seemingly harmless posts. Keep in mind the impact such posts can have on privacy and security online.

Being cautious about sharing health information online

Sharing health info online has serious implications for privacy and security. Digital healthcare means we need to exercise caution. Unauthorized access or misuse of sensitive data is a risk. Here are key considerations for being careful:

  1. Evaluate websites/platforms to share health info. Verify credibility/reputation of sources before giving personal details.
  2. Be mindful of the info shared. Don’t give too much info on forums/social media, as it could expose to larger audience than intended.
  3. Educate yourself on privacy rights/regulations surrounding health info. Know the laws and guidelines that protect personal health data.
  4. Prioritize strong passwords/secure login practices when accessing health-related accounts. Unique passwords with uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and special characters. Update passwords regularly and avoid common choices.

By safeguarding personal data, we can mitigate risks associated with sharing health info online. A reminder of the need for caution: A woman shared her diagnosis on a public forum without realizing the consequences. She was flooded with unsolicited emails offering “miracle cures” from unknown sources. Compromised privacy and potential health risks.

Be a detective of credibility: Verify before you share personal or medical secrets.

Verifying the source before sharing personal or medical information

Ensuring the credibility of the source is key before sharing personal or medical info on the internet. Unreliable sources can lead to unauthorized access, misuse or identity theft. It is essential to verify the source’s authenticity and reputation for safeguarding sensitive info and maintaining privacy.

Verification steps include:

  1. Check website’s credibility – Before providing personal or medical data, check if the website is reputable and trustworthy. Ensure it has security seals, such as SSL certificates, and a privacy policy.
  2. Review the source’s reputation – Research the organization or individual requesting your info. Check their credentials, reviews and affiliations with healthcare entities.
  3. Understand data collection purpose – Understand why personal or medical data is being requested. If it seems unnecessary, don’t share your data.
  4. Secure communication channels – Ensure channels used to share info are secure and encrypted, with indicators like HTTPS in URLs or secure messaging platforms.
  5. Beware of unsolicited requests – Be cautious about providing personal or medical data in response to unsolicited emails, phone calls, or messages.
  6. Consult professionals if unsure – If you have doubts about the authenticity of a source, consult healthcare professionals or trusted advisors for guidance.

Verifying sources helps protect against phishing scams, data breaches and unauthorized access. It lets individuals mitigate risks associated with sharing health details online.

Medical professionals advise patients to be vigilant when considering disclosing private health info. People must stay informed about privacy rights and regulations to make informed decisions about data disclosure.

A patient received a phone call from someone claiming to be from a healthcare provider, requesting insurance details. The patient hesitated and decided to verify the caller’s authenticity by contacting the healthcare provider directly. It turned out to be a scam. By validating the source, the patient protected their privacy and avoided identity theft or fraud.

Safeguarding medical and health insurance information

To safeguard medical and health insurance info, be careful when sharing it online. Don’t post personal health details on social media, as they can be seen by others. Before providing any info, check the authenticity and reliability of the website or platform.

Also, protect physical storage of important documents, such as medical records and health insurance cards. Keep them in a secure location that is not easily accessible.

Maintain strong passwords for online accounts related to medical or health insurance info. Use unique and complex passwords and change them regularly for extra security.

Finally, seek reliable sources of health info online. Rely on reputable websites or verified sources to ensure accurate info while minimizing potential privacy breaches.

Seeking reliable sources of health information online

It is vital to locate reliable sources of health information online to guarantee that the information about our wellbeing is accurate and dependable. There are now more online resources available, so it’s essential to make sure we get our information from reliable sources. Unreliable or incorrect health information can not only cause bad decisions but could also be damaging to our health.

Protecting privacy in the My Health Record system

When it comes to protecting our personal health information online, it’s crucial to understand the privacy policy of the My Health Record system. In this section, we’ll dive into the importance of setting access controls, maintaining regular reviews, and communicating with healthcare providers about our shared information. We’ll also explore how checking access history helps us identify any unauthorized access attempts. Let’s take a closer look at how we can safeguard our privacy within the My Health Record system.

Understanding the privacy policy of the My Health Record system

The My Health Record system has a privacy policy to protect personal health information. It is important for people to understand this policy to ensure confidentiality.

Awareness of who can access a health record, what information can be accessed, and when it can be shared, allows individuals to have more control over who can access their health information.

The policy may also outline security measures like encryption, firewalls, and authentication protocols, that help protect sensitive data. This helps people feel more secure when using the system.

Questions or concerns can be addressed to healthcare providers or administrators who manage the system. They can provide extra guidance about how the policy is applied.

Setting access controls and reviewing them regularly

Individuals should follow these steps to keep their personal health info secure:

  1. Decide how much access each person or entity should have. Consider your relationship with them, e.g. healthcare providers, family, insurance.
  2. Put in place suitable controls. This could include user accounts with different credentials or using encryption.
  3. Regularly review and update the access controls. Revoke or change access as needed.

Setting and reviewing access is only one part of protecting personal health info. Create strong passwords, don’t overshare on social media, and verify info before sharing.

Lastly, make a code word with your healthcare provider to avoid awkward moments when they accidentally share intimate info with nosy neighbors.

Communicating with healthcare providers about information shared in the record

Communicating with healthcare providers is important. It is crucial to explain symptoms, medicines, and medical history clearly and precisely, to help doctors diagnose and treat better. It is also essential to ask questions and discuss concerns in order to understand health status and treatment options.

Good communication can prevent mistakes. Patients should understand the information and clarify any doubts. This can help avoid unnecessary treatments and improve safety.

To communicate better with healthcare providers, it is recommended to keep track of medical records, like test results and treatment plans. Before each appointment, make a list of questions and concerns. It is important to participate in conversations and ask for clarification and share preferences.

By following these steps, communication with healthcare providers will improve. This leads to better care coordination, improved health outcomes, and increased satisfaction. It is also important to keep medical info safe – unauthorized access attempts can be sneaky!

Checking access history for any unauthorized access attempts

Checking the access history for any unauthorized access attempts is a must-do for online personal health info protection. Regularly reviewing the log can help identify and respond to any breaches or unauthorized attempts. Here’s an effective 4-step guide:

  1. Access your account settings or profile settings on the platform where your personal health information is stored. Look for ‘view account activity’ or ‘access history’.
  2. Check the log of recent attempts and activities. Pay close attention to anything suspicious or unfamiliar. These could be signs of unauthorized access attempts.
  3. If you notice any, take immediate action. E.g. change password, enable two-factor authentication or contact the platform’s support team.
  4. Monitor the access history regularly and stay vigilant against threats. This helps ensure your personal health information remains secure.

Apart from these steps, strong passwords, avoiding oversharing, caution on public Wi-Fi networks, and watching out for phishing scams are also vital.

Checking access history regularly can reduce the risk of unauthorized access and protect your personal health info from misuse. Don’t let someone else pay off their medical bills with your identity!

Tips to protect personal health information from fraud and waste

In the quest to safeguard our personal health information online, it is essential to stay one step ahead of potential fraud and waste. This section provides valuable tips to protect personal health information. From being vigilant about sharing insurance identification to reviewing medical bills for discrepancies, we delve into practical measures that can help safeguard our privacy. By being cautious of unsolicited requests and keeping personal health information secure with strong passwords, we can navigate a digital world with confidence. Education about privacy rights and regulations further empowers individuals in protecting their sensitive health data.

Guarding personal information and not sharing insurance identification

Protect personal info and avoid sharing your insurance ID. Don’t give out the number unless necessary and share only with trusted people. Review medical bills for mistakes and report them fast.

Be watchful of unsolicited requests for personal info. Beware of frauds asking for insurance ID in exchange for “free” services/products. Learn about privacy rights and regulations related to health info to increase awareness and protection.

Being cautious of “free” medical services that require insurance information

Beware of “free” medical services that ask for insurance information! Vigilance is key when it comes to these offers. Fraudulent entities may offer seemingly cost-free care, but their true purpose could be to misuse insurance data for illegal activities. Be mindful of this risk and take steps to protect your info. Safeguarding privacy and preventing identity theft should be a top priority.

Reviewing medical bills carefully and reporting any discrepancies

It’s essential to review medical bills, and report any discrepancies, to protect personal health info and ensure accurate billing.

Create a system to organize bills, like filing or digital. Check for accuracy – compare charges with docs from providers. Verify billed amounts match insurance benefits. Look for duplicate or billing errors. If any are found, report them quickly. Keep records of bills, correspondences, resolutions. That way, individuals protect themselves from financial losses and maintain integrity of health info. Plus, be careful when providing personal info online.

Being wary of unsolicited requests for personal information

Be cautious when it comes to unsolicited requests for personal information, especially emails, phone calls, or social media interactions. Cybercriminals may pretend to be legitimate to get sensitive details like passwords or financial info. Reputable organizations won’t ask for personal info unless necessary and through secure channels.

Research the source to verify legitimacy. Reach out to the organization using verified contact info from their website to check if there are doubts.

Be careful when clicking links or downloading attachments from unsolicited emails or messages. These may have malware to steal personal info. Exercise skepticism before sharing sensitive data online.

In conclusion, be aware of unsolicited requests for personal info to protect privacy and security online. Verify source legitimacy and exercise caution when sharing sensitive data to decrease risk of scams or identity theft. Always stay vigilant and err on the side of caution when it comes to personal info online.

Keeping personal health information secure with strong passwords

Digital platforms in healthcare are growing. Securing personal health info is a must. Strong passwords play a big role. Here’s how to keep it safe:

  1. Make a password that’s hard to guess. Use uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Don’t use birthdays or names. Have at least 8 characters.
  2. Don’t use the same password on multiple accounts. This increases risk of exposure. Each online account should have its own unique password.
  3. Update passwords often. Change them every 3-6 months, or as suggested by the service provider.

Prioritize password security. Keeping personal health info secure helps protect it from potential breaches. Protect yourself – prioritize password security today!

Educating oneself about privacy rights and regulations

It is essential to stay informed on privacy rights and regulations. They keep evolving in response to changes in healthcare tech. New tech and platforms might bring new risks and challenges to protecting personal health info. Educating oneself on privacy rights and regulations helps individuals stay ahead of potential threats and take proactive steps to protect their privacy.

Also, people should learn best practices for protecting personal health info online. This includes learning safe internet browsing habits, being aware of common cyber threats like phishing scams, and staying informed about the latest security measures for safeguarding their personal health information.

Pro Tip: Get informed through legit sources such as govt websites or healthcare orgs. This helps people stay up-to-date with the newest developments in privacy rights and regulations. By continuously educating oneself on privacy rights and regs, individuals can better protect their personal health info online.


To protect personal health info online, individuals must take precautions. This includes using strong passwords, being careful when sharing info, and staying aware of phishing attempts. Sarah, a healthcare professional, learned this lesson when her health info was compromised. As a wake-up call, she took steps to secure her data and maintain privacy. It’s crucial to safeguard personal health info in today’s digital age.

Five Facts About How to Protect Your Personal Health Information Online:

1. Creating strong passwords using combinations of letters, numbers, and symbols and changing them periodically is an effective way to protect your personal health information online. (Source: Chubb)

2. Oversharing personal details on social media can put your personal health information at risk, so it is important to be cautious and check privacy settings. (Source: Chubb)

3. Free public Wi-Fi networks often lack security measures, making them vulnerable to hackers. It is advised to be cautious when using such networks to protect your personal health information. (Source: Chubb)

4. Phishing scams disguised as legitimate communications, such as emails or messages from banks or companies, can trick individuals into revealing their personal health information. Being aware and cautious can help protect against such scams. (Source: Chubb)

5. Checking if a website is secure by looking for a lock symbol and "https" in the URL is an essential step to protect your personal health information when submitting it online. (Source: Chubb)

FAQs about How To Protect Your Personal Health Information Online

1. How can I protect my personal information online?
– Create strong passwords using combinations of letters, numbers, and symbols, and change them periodically.
– Avoid oversharing personal details on social media and check privacy settings.
– Be cautious when using free public Wi-Fi networks as they have few security measures in place.
– Watch out for phishing scams disguised as legitimate communications from banks or companies.
– Check if a website is secure by looking for a lock symbol and “https” in the URL.

2. What is HIPAA and how does it protect health information?
– HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) is a law that governs how health insurance companies, doctors, clinics, pharmacies, hospitals, and other medical services manage and protect medical information.
– HIPAA protects personally identifying information, health history, diagnoses, and current health status.
– HIPAA does not cover information that individuals control and choose to share about themselves with the public.
– Businesses and agencies such as researchers, gyms, fitness clubs, websites, health apps, and schools are not governed under HIPAA.

3. How can I protect my health information online?
– To protect your privacy, avoid posting private health information online, as social media companies may sell your information to advertisers.
– Be cautious about what you post regarding your health on social media, as it could potentially compromise your privacy.
– Use passwords and other security measures to protect health information stored on personal devices.
– Verify the source before sharing personal or medical information.
– Safeguard medical and health insurance information and shred relevant documents to prevent identity theft.

4. How can I find reliable health information online?
– Choose trustworthy websites sponsored by federal government agencies, medical and health care organizations, hospitals, and academic medical institutions.
– Look for websites written by medical or scientific professionals or referenced by trusted sources.
– Verify the purpose of the website, the credibility of the author or organization, and the accuracy and currency of the information.
– Check if the website offers contact information and privacy protection.
– Understand the goal of the website and whether it aims to inform or sell products/services.

5. How can I protect my personal health information on my cell phone or tablet?
– Limit the personal information you send and store on your device.
– Be cautious about granting location access to apps, as it may track your activities and share your location information.
– Install reputable anti-spyware, anti-virus scanners, and firewall software on your device.
– Avoid unsecured Wi-Fi networks and use secure communication apps.
– Review the privacy settings and permissions of each app on your device.
– Regularly clear your location and activity history on your device.

6. How can I protect my privacy on My Health Record (in Australia)?
– Read the privacy policy of the My Health Record system to understand how your information can be collected, used, and disclosed. The Australian Digital Health Agency is responsible for running the system.
– Access controls can be set on your My Health Record to determine the level of privacy you prefer. Default settings are in place, but you should know what they are and how they may affect you. These controls allow you to limit which healthcare provider organizations can access your record and restrict access to specific documents. You can also set up a record access code to further protect your information.
– Regularly reviewing and updating your access controls is recommended, especially when starting treatment with a new healthcare provider. Checking your My Health Record access list will show you who can access your information.
– Emergency situations may override your access controls if it is not practical to obtain your consent or if there is a serious threat to public health or safety.
– Communicate with your healthcare provider about what information they will add or access on your My Health Record. If there are certain documents you do not want included, make sure to inform them. You can also request the removal, restriction, or hiding of specific documents yourself.
– It is important to regularly check your My Health Record access history for any unexpected or unauthorized access attempts.

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